Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Erwin TN

Hot weather continues, 2nd week of 80 degrees up high, 90s below like today at the Nolichucky River, Uncle Johnnys hostel. At least not too humid, and breeze helps. Tough miles up and down exposed balds, and the biggest of all Roan Mt is just ahead.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Day off, Hot Springs, 570 miles (more than 1/2) of the southern AT now done

I let the Smokies roll right by without comment, even my uneventful Gatlinburg resupply. Some rain and thick cloud up to then, but finally cleared off as high pressure system moved in. Hot and buggy, but not humid and the breeze helping keep the biting gnats off, sometimes. Going to stay extra warm the next week, so summer has come too early for my liking. Hiking at speed with bunch of hikers since the NOC, including Sock Monkey (French), Wizard and Sal (sisters from Canada), Escapee (woman always looking for ways to get off trail, not sure if she wants to keep hiking), even young speedy guys like Thor and Lupo. Lots of others behind, many ahead, a seeming little bubble of hikers. But despite heat and bugs, and a sore from overuse left knee, looks like I'm continuing on. Reese, friend from Smith will slack pack with me out and back to Hot Springs tomorrow, before he goes back to his cats in Knoxville in the evening. On his way home he'll drop me off back up the trail, so I will only carry full pack a few miles tomorrow.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Coincidental trail, Franklin NC

1. A few days ago I met a friendly couple out day hiking, in their 40s with a condo in Florida and cabin near Springer. They had lived in Boston in the late 90s when Chris got a MBA at BU while Cathy worked at Mugar library, where I had worked in the late 70s, so we knew lots of folks in common. Took a photo and sent it to her former supervisor Doreen, from whom I still get Xmas cards. She was suitably astonished.
2. Last night Long Branch shelter I met early 60ish Marta, aka Clover, who us doing her 2nd AT, this time nobo. In 2006 she hiked it sobo, and hiked quite a ways with a young guy named Snapshot in VA. Rodney and I had hiked with him earlier in PA, and Snapshot had told her a few choice and memorable Rotten and Old Blue stories, involving alcohol.
3. Also at the  shelter was a young Canadian woman named Sour Orange who hiked much of the trail last year. She had encountered Kibs back then after he broke his leg in VT and was being hauled down the mountain by a crew of hikers she was with, and was sorry she had missed him this year.
Today I headed into Franklin NC to avoid the very wet weekend weather forecast. I went to one of the outfitters since my left boot was wearing excessively, and they checked with the manufacturer on my behalf. They just called to say it was under warranty and will replace with new boots. Excellent news.
Now waiting to see if Kibs wanders in tonight or tomorrow in the rain.

Confederate Memorial Day being observed in Franklin NC

Wednesday, May 8, 2019


Had 2 nice days and views on this beautiful part of north Georgia, leaves and flowers out, as are the bugs. But we did see an immature Luna moth right on the trail, and other hikers have seen a bear. Another rainy spell coming in, so hoping to get to Franklin NC soon -- 2 breweries and 2 hostels, a real trail town I haven't been to before.

Saturday, May 4, 2019


Now at Neel Gap, 31 miles from Springer, staying at Mountain Crossings hostel. Rain seems to be holding off, but warm with high humidity. Can't wait to take a shower here. Met a few more interesting people, several of them out hiking on missions like Kibs. One guy with MS, trying to raise awareness; ditto a woman Army vet with PTSD and a service dog. Speaking of Kibs, I left him at a shelter with a bunch of nice people content to do fewer miles than me. He may catch up with me tonight, since I stopped here after only 8 miles today. Forecast is for a strong thunderstorm this afternoon, rain tonight, so that might motivate him.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Troutville VA, 300 miles

Suddenly summer, humid and 80s, down here in the valley, talking to hiker who came close to heat stroke yesterday. Glad we are sitting in air conditioning, waiting until later for ride to Lynchburg and that midnight train to Georgia. Will be different hiking north, with the flow, rather than pushing through the oncoming tsunami of northbounders.
Hoping to beat the heat up in the mountains, and get back north before the real hot weather arrives.

Matt's Creek shelter